Our partners are key to the success of our projects and we value their contribution.
The Australian Embassy Kathmandu
We are incredibly proud and honoured to have worked closely with the Australian Embassy through their Public Diplomacy Program … and grateful to have received five grants since 2020.
Our projects include creating murals at three very prominent locations in Nepal
The Australian Embassy - mural depicting the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals from a Nepali woman’s perspective.
Lalgadh Leprosy Hospital in Dhanusha - mural depicting the good work done by the busiest leprosy hospital in the world.
Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology in Kathmandu - mural depicting TIO’s partnership with Fred Hollows Foundation and their extraordinary work to restore sight in Nepal and worldwide.
The Embassy has also supported us with music and art therapy workshops at Lalgadh Leprosy Hospital during COVID-19, and in our work supporting a major nationwide Snake Bite Prevention project created by the Rotary Club of Kathmandu.
Relative Nepal
Sarangi is honored to be partnering with Relative Nepal in women’s empowerment projects.
Relative Nepal's goal is to preserve nature, culture, environment and foster a society with no gender, religious and linguistic bias. Founded in 2006, they assist communities in becoming independent and work in the fields of Education, Health, Natural Disaster, Drinking Water, Health Education, Sanitation, Conflict Transformation, Human Rights, Physical Construction, and Agriculture. Thousands underprivileged people from Dhanusha and Mahottari have been benefited form their work.
Based in Janakpur, Relative Nepal is preserving it’s local culture by promoting Mithila Art. This unique art-form was traditionally created by women only and until recently was commonly found on the walls of their houses. It is a rich tradition which tells visual stories of family life, history, spiritual life and local culture.
Partnering with SSE has created many opportunities for the artists to work with other organisations including Lalgadh Leprosy Hospital, the Rotary Club of Kathmandu, and Newera, a respected NGO that reports on development policies in Nepal.

Warlukurlangu - Artists of Yuendumu
Warlukurlangu Artists Aboriginal Corporation is one of the longest-running and most successful Aboriginal-owned art centres in Central Australia.
It has a national and international profile and its art has been featured in hundreds of exhibitions and publications in Australia and around the world.
Warlukurlangu means ‘belonging to fire’ in the local language, Warlpiri, and is named after a fire dreaming site west of Yuendumu.
Sarangi Social Enterprise is very proud to be partnering with them in our shopping bag project and glasses cases project.

The Rotary Club of Kathmandu Mid-Town
A chance meeting with Rotarian, Isabella Kadkha at the time we were painting the SDG mural on the Australian Embassy wall in 2021 led to some very powerful partnerships. The Rotary Club of Kathmandu Mid-Town had received a Rotary Global Grant to create a nationwide Snakebite Awareness Program and Isabella could immediately see how the campaign would benefit from using a traditional art form. Death and injury from snakebites are very serious problems in Nepal and this affects mainly Nepalis in villages. It was vital to be able to communicate the message in a visual way.
And so, four-way partnership was created between the Australian Embassy (through their Public Diplomacy program), Relative Nepal where the artists come from, the Rotary Club of Kathmandu Mid-Town, and Sarangi Social Enterprise. see more information here
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